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Here you will find out the reasons why we appoint our trusted consultants. We have built professional working relations with our consultants over many years of collaboration

Health & Safety

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In April 2015 new regulations for Construction Design and Management (CDM) were updated. These laws impose requirements on Clients with regard to building projects over specific thresholds, including the appointment of a Principal Designer and the official notification of any project beyond the threshold to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) as soon as practical. CFT have been approached by Plymouth City Council to act as the principal designer for this project. Meaning that the practice will co-ordinate the Health & Safety information during the RIBA stage 1.

This information will be incorporated into the tendering process that is sent out to building contractors, and it will be sent to the chosen contractor. Each member of the design team is required to regularly evaluate health and safety hazards that may arise during the building’s construction and use, to conduct risk assessments, to take steps to reduce those risks, and to document those risks in the designer’s risk assessments.

Hiring a landscape consultant would be advised at RIBA Stage 1 of any project, to have a person of expertise to advise how the provisional green spaces and public interaction areas have been thought out.

CFT regularly proposes the use of land recycling in their projects, by taking part of derelict land and distributing it in places of much-needed green space, our most prominent use of a landscape consultant was to distribute the land as an elevated garden system in the proposed social housing element of the "Intertwining Millbay" masterplan.


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CFT have previously employed a Highway Consultant in projects of a large scale where traffic manipulation is involved, using the project "intertwining Millbay" as an example. The local transport act (1991) states that policies must be put in place for safe, integrated, efficient, and economic transport to and from a specific area, CFT have removed all vehicular traffic in favour of more ecologically friendly foot-traffic, by increasing pedestrianised areas and making the primary transport through the site either on foot or by bike with dedicated bike lanes. Meaning the current road system needs to be repurposed for a cycling scheme to be implemented. To abide by this rule a dedicated mobility hub has been implemented at the social heart of the site,

The appointment of an ecology consultant will be needed to inspect the condition of modifying and improving the current land drainage systems. 

The practice also respects the clean neighbourhood act (2005), and has provisions in place for programs that heavily involve the community, in each project they take on.


using intertwining Millbay as an example,  the current site houses sustainable land drainage (SUDS) which re-purposes rainfall and groundwater into wildlife and flower beds. We have taken this existing idea and contributed raised beds to soak up more rainfall and distribute it into a proposed agricultural hub and growing spaces for the local community.


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